Update your Ganttify account

You want to change your login e-mail address, set up your name or update your password? That can all be done in the profile page of your Ganttify account.

Set up your full name

While there is no urgent need for our users to set up a full name in order to create Gantt charts, we still like to get to know you and address you personally whenever you contact us. In order to do so, you can enter your full name in the "Your name" field of the profile page and click "Save".

Enter your name at the "Personal details" tab of your profile page

Change your e-mail address

While you're still on the profile page, you can easily change your e-mail address by entering a new address in the "E-mail address" field and clicking the Save button at the bottom of the page. Going forward, we will contact you on that newly entered e-mail address.

Update your password

It's a good habit to change your password every now and then. To do so in Ganttify, simply scroll all the way down on the profile page and enter your new password, twice. Make sure to toss in some special characters and make it longer than 8 characters, to make it safe.

Updating your account password is easy

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