Installation & Requirements

Ganttify is an online web application. You don't need to download or install anything. This means it will simply work in your browser. Open a browser like Google Chrome, Safari, or Firefox and go to

A screenshot of the Ganttify homepage

On the homepage, click the Login button, enter your Ganttify account credentials, and you will be forwarded to the  Project List, from which you can start to select the projects from which you're going to create a Gantt chart automatically.
Ganttify will work in almost any major modern browser with JavaScript enabled on any modern Mac, PC (Windows or Linux), tablet, or mobile device. However, desktop browsers are recommended due to the size and complexity of Gantt carts.
During development, Ganttify is constantly tested using the latest versions of Google Chrome, Safari, and Mozilla Firefox (see  What browsers does Ganttify support?).
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