Filter and search in your Gantt charts

You can filter your schedule on texts, icons, date ranges, and colors. You can start filtering your Gantt chart by clicking the ‘filter’ button in the top toolbar.

The filter button can be found in the top menu in Ganttify

A window will show on the right side of the screen, allowing you to enter a search query and click on time block colors, icons, and date ranges. The Gantt chart will automatically be filtered on these selections. For example, if you click the checkmark icon and search for your name, you will only see all due dates of your project that have you as an assignee.

On the right side of the menu bar, a summary of the currently active filter will be shown: 

The summary always shows the currently applied filter options

Newly created updates that may not comply with the selected filter will always be shown. To reapply the current filter, click the “reapply filter” icon on the right of the filter summary:

Easily reapply the filter options to newly created Gantt chart elements

You can also apply filters by right-clicking the icons in the legend:

Quick access filtering options from the context menu in the legenda

Are you looking for something specific in your schedule? Just enter a text fragment (like, for instance, the last name of a resource) in the filter panel, and only the related items in the chart will be shown.

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